What is an Amazon brand shop?

Amazon brand shops are simple and uncomplicated “small shops” of their own within the Amazon world. The brand shops can be accessed under the domain “www.amazon.de/Brandname”. Amazon wants to offer customers a new shopping experience with the help of the Amazon brand shop. Within a brand shop, product catalogs can be set up on several pages that have been optimized for mobile devices. In addition, new products can be added and something about the brand can be told. Currently, only trademark owners can create an Amazon trademark shop.

Special features of Amazon brand shops

At Amazon Brand shops the focus is on the visual staging, with the help of corresponding pictures and videos different products can be staged. It is possible that the products have a higher quality effect than on the classic search results pages of Amazon. In addition, the brand shops do without distracting advertising or other distracting elements.

Amazon Brand Guide

Main features of the Amazon brand shop

An Amazon brand shop can go down to three levels. This allows products and the brand to be presented in a targeted manner and tailored to specific requirements.

Simple drag-and-drop interface and different templates for individual design.

The consumer’s shopping experience can be enhanced with integrated texts, images and videos.

However, the Amazon brand shop function is not a replacement for an Amazon SEO optimization, but only another building block to advance your Amazon business. With the help of an Amazon marketing agency, functions like these can be set up professionally.

Pros and cons of an Amazon brand shop


  • Free for Vendors & Vendor Express
  • Individual design within Amazon
  • Differentiation from the competition
  • Additional display options for A+ Content and Enhanced Brand Content
  • Multiple page levels
  • Individual URL for each page
  • modular design



  • AMS Stores currently still in beta phase
  • Mobile display partially incorrect
  • Limited design options
  • Videos are not displayed on mobile devices