What is the Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee?

With the A-Z Guarantee, Amazon wants to create a trustful shopping experience and increase customer satisfaction. Orders made through Marketplace sellers are protected by this guarantee if the purchase (payment) is made through the Amazon.co.uk website or if Amazon Pay is used. If payments are made on other websites without Amazon Pay, the A-to-Z guarantee does not apply. The guarantee includes the conditions and punctual delivery. As compensation, buyers who have made orders on Amazon.de Marketplace can receive up to €2,500 (including shipping costs). The service offered by Amazon is available for free.

When does an Amazon A-to-Z guarantee apply?

In order to use the guarantee, at least one of the following conditions must be fulfilled

Amazon Brand Guide

  1. The seller was paid via the Amazon.co.uk website (for physical products) or Amazon Payments was used, but the seller did not deliver the goods within 3 days or 30 days after placing the order.
  2. Item has been received but is damaged, defective or differs from the seller’s description.
  3. The item was returned in accordance to an agreement with the seller, but no refund was arranged upon receipt of the returned goods.

Please note that the seller must be contacted via “My account” before any guarantee claim is made

  1. Call up order
  2. In the order overview on “Problems with this order” and there on “Contact seller”
  3. Give the seller a suitable time of 3 working days to solve the problem.

If the seller does not report a defect or a different product (within 14 days), the Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee can be claimed.

How does the claim work?

In order to get registered for the guarantee claim, you must:

  • Go to “My account” and call up the order
  • Continue to “View order”
  • Continue to “Problems with your order?”
  • The link to the guarantee can be on the next page.

Possible reasons for a rejection of the guarantee claim

The common reasons that lead to the rejection of the Amazon A-to-Z guarantee:

  • The item was as described by the seller.
  • The item was received and the seller could prove it.
  • The buyer gives, on request, no further information.
  • The buyer has raised an objection to the collection at his bank.
  • The item will not be returned to the seller.